Access JNTUK & JNTUGV DIGITAL LOGIC DESIGN (DLD) important questions 2024 PDF
UNIT I: Digital Systems and Binary Numbers
Digital Systems, Binary Numbers, Octal and Hexadecimal Numbers, Complements of Numbers, Signed Binary Numbers, Arithmetic addition and subtraction, 4-bit codes: BCD, EXCESS 3, alphanumeric codes, 9’s complement, 2421, etc..
UNIT II: Concept of Boolean algebra
Basic Theorems and Properties of Boolean algebra, Boolean Functions, Canonical and Standard Forms, Min terms and Maxterms. Gate level Minimization.
Map Method, Three-Variable K-Map, Four Variable K-Maps. Products of Sum Simplification, Sum of Products Simplification, Don’t – Care Conditions, NAND and NOR Implementation, Exclusive OR Function.

UNIT III: Combinational Logic
Introduction, Analysis Procedure, Binary Adder–Subtractor, Binary Multiplier, Decoders, Encoders, Multiplexers, Demultiplexers, Priority Encoder, Code Converters, Magnitude Comparator, HDL Models of Combinational Circuits.
Realization of Switching Functions Using PROM, PAL and PLA.
DIGITAL LOGIC DESIGN UNIT IV: Synchronous Sequential Logic
Introduction to Sequential Circuits, Storage Elements: Latches, Flip‐Flops, RS- Latch Using NAND and NOR Gates, Truth Tables. RS, JK, T and D Flip Flops, Truth and Excitation Tables, Conversion of Flip Flops.
UNIT V: Registers and Counters
Registers, Shift Registers, Ripple Counters, Synchronous Counters, Ring Counter, Johnson Counter.
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