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Latest online bits :
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Radar engineering online bits.
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IOT and Applications online bits
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Environmental Management online bits
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Wireless network security online bits
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High Voltage Engineering online bits
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Satellite Communications (R204104D) online bits
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=> Subject Details:JNTUK B tech 2-2 2nd mid R20 Statistics with R (R2022121) online bits.
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Python Programming online bits
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Python Programming online bits
=> Subject Details : JNTUK Basic Electronics Online Bits
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IOT & Applications Online Bits
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Intro to AI & ML Online bits – reference 2
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click on the link below to check out.
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click on the link below to check out.
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click on the link below to check out.
IOT & Applications online bits
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click on the button below to check out.
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click on the button below to check out.
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Artificial intelligence online bits
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=>subject details: JNTUK Computer Networks online bits
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=>Subject Details: JNTUK Mathematics-3 online bits
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=>subject details :JNTUK 1-1 1st mid R23 Chemistry R231103
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=>Subject Details: JNTUK 1-1 1st mid R23 Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering R231109 online bits.
Click on the button below to check out.
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