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JNTUK & JNTUGV Mathematics 2 (M2) Important Questions PDF Download 2024

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UNIT – I: Solving systems of linear equations, Eigen values and Eigen vectors

Rank of a matrix by echelon form and normal form – Solving system of homogeneous and non homogeneous linear equations – Gauss Elimination method– Eigenvalues and Eigen vectors and properties.

Unit – II: Cayley–Hamilton theorem and Quadratic forms

Cayley-Hamilton theorem (without proof) – Applications – Finding the inverse and power of a matrix by Cayley-Hamilton theorem – Reduction to Diagonal form – Quadratic forms and nature of the quadratic forms – Reduction of quadratic form to canonical forms by orthogonal transformation.Singular values of a matrix, singular value decomposition.

UNIT – III: Iterative methods

Introduction– Bisection method–Secant method – Method of false position– Iteration method – NewtonRaphson method (One variable and simultaneous Equations) – Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel methods for solving system of equations numerically.

UNIT – IV: Interpolation

Introduction– Errors in polynomial interpolation – Finite differences– Forward differences– Backward differences –Central differences – Relations between operators – Newton’s forward and backward formulae for interpolation – Interpolation with unequal intervals – Lagrange’s interpolation formula– Newton’s divide difference formula.

UNIT – V: Numerical differentiation and integration, Solution of ordinary differential equations with initial conditions

Numerical differentiation using interpolating polynomial – Trapezoidal rule– Simpson’s 1/3rd and 3/8th rule– Solution of initial value problems by Taylor’s series– Picard’s method of successive approximations–Euler’s method –Runge-Kutta method (second and fourth order).

JNTUK & JNTUGV Mathematics 2 (M2) Important Questions PDF Download 2024

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