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JNTUK & JNTUGV Introduction to programming Important Questions PDF Download 2024 – R23

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Access JNTUK & JNTUGV Introduction to programming Important Questions PDF Download 2024 – R23

UNIT I Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving

History of Computers, Basic organization of a computer: ALU, input-output units, memory, program counter, Introduction to Programming Languages, Basics of a Computer ProgramAlgorithms, flowcharts (Using Dia Tool), pseudo code. Introduction to Compilation and Execution, Primitive Data Types, Variables, and Constants, Basic Input and Output, Operations, Type Conversion, and Casting.Problem solving techniques: Algorithmic approach, characteristics of algorithm, Problem solving strategies: Top-down approach, Bottom-up approach, Time and space complexities of algorithms.

UNIT II Control Structures

Simple sequential programs Conditional Statements (if, if-else, switch), Loops (for, while, dowhile) Break and Continue.

UNIT III Arrays and Strings

Arrays indexing, memory model, programs with array of integers, two dimensional arrays, Introduction to Strings.

UNIT IV Pointers & User Defined Data types

Pointers, dereferencing and address operators, pointer and address arithmetic, array manipulation using pointers, User-defined data types-Structures and Unions.

UNIT V Functions & File Handling

Introduction to Functions, Function Declaration and Definition, Function call Return Types and Arguments, modifying parameters inside functions using pointers, arrays as parameters. Scope and Lifetime of Variables, Basics of File Handling

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