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JNTUK & JNTUGV Data Structures in C Important Questions PDF Download 2024

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Access JNTUK & JNTUGV Data Structures in C Important Questions PDF Download 2024

Unit-1 Linear Data Structures: Arrays, Stacks and Queues

Data Structures -Operations-Abstract Data Types-Complexity of Algorithms-Time and Space- Arrays-Representation of Arrays-Linear Arrays-Insertion–Deletion and Traversal of a Linear Array-Array as an Abstract Data Type-Multi-Dimensional arrays-Strings-String Operations- Storing Strings-String as an Abstract Data Type Stack -Array Representation of Stack-Stack Abstract Data Type-Applications of Stacks: Prefix- Infix and Postfix Arithmetic Expressions-Conversion-Evaluation of Postfix Expressions- Recursion-Towers of Hanoi-Queues-Definition-Array Representation of Queue-The Queue Abstract Data Type-Circular Queues-Dequeues-Priority Queues.

Unit 2 : Linked Lists

Pointers-Pointer Arrays-Linked Lists-Node Representation-Single Linked List-Traversing and Searching a Single Linked List-Insertion into and Deletion from a Single Linked List-Header Linked Lists-Circularly Linked Lists-Doubly Linked Lists-Linked Stacks and Queues- Polynomials-Polynomial Representation-Sparse Matrices

Unit 3 : Trees

Terminology-Representation of Trees-Binary Trees-Properties of Binary Trees-Binary Tree Representations-Binary Tree Traversal-Preorder-Inorder and Postorder Traversal-Threads- Thread Binary Trees-Balanced Binary Trees-Heaps-Max Heap-Insertion into and Deletion from a Max Heap-Binary Search Trees-Searching-Insertion and Deletion from a Binary Search Tree- Height of Binary Search Tree, m-way Search Trees, B-Trees.

Unit 4 Graphs

Graph Theory Terminology-Graph Representation-Graph Operations-Depth First Search-Breadth First Search-Connected Components-Spanning Trees-Biconnected Components-Minimum Cost Spanning Trees-Kruskal’s Algorithm-Prism’s Algorithm-Shortest Paths-Transitive Closure-All- Pairs Shortest Path-Warshall’s Algorithm.

Unit 5 : Searching and Sorting

Searching -Linear Search-Binary Search-Fibonacci Search-Hashing-Sorting-Definition-Bubble Sort-Insertion sort-Selection Sort-Quick Sort-Merging-Merge Sort-Iterative and Recursive Merge Sort-Shell Sort-Radix Sort-Heap Sort.

JNTUK & JNTUGV Data Structures in C Important Questions PDF Download 2024

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