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JNTU-Analog Communication Material 2024

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Looking for JNTU-Analog Communication Material 2024? Look no further! Our article offers a wealth of detailed information and resources tailored to help you excel in these cutting-edge fields.

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AMPLITUDE MODULATION : Introduction to communication system, Need for
modulation,Frequency Division Multiplexing , Amplitude Modulation, Definition, Time
domain and frequencydomain description, single tone modulation, power relations in AM
waves, Generation of AMwaves, square law Modulator, Switching modulator, Detection of AM
Waves; Square law detector,Envelopedetector.


DSB & SSB MODULATION: Double side band suppressed carrier modulators, time domain
and frequency domain description, Generation of DSBSC Waves, Balanced Modulators, Ring
Modulator, Coherent detection of DSB-SC Modulated waves, COSTAS Loop. Frequency

Frequency discrimination method for generation of AM SSB Modulated
Wave, Time domain description, Phase discrimination method for generating AMSSB
Modulated waves. Demodulation of SSB Waves, Vestigial side band modulation: Frequency
description, Generation of VSB Modulated wave, Time domain description, Envelope detection
of a VSB Wave pulse Carrier, Comparison of AM Techniques, Applications of different AM
Systems, FDM.


ANGLE MODULATION: Basicconcepts, Frequency Modulation: Single tone frequency
modulation, Spectrum Analysis of Sinusoidal FM Wave, Narrowband FM, Wideband
FM,Constant Average Power, Transmission bandwidth of FM Wave- Generation of FM Waves,
Detection of FM Waves: Balanced Frequency discriminator, Zero crossing detector, Phase
lockedloop. Comparison of FM & AM.


TRANSMITTERS & RECEIVERS: Radio Transmitter – Classification of Transmitter, AM
Transmitter, Effect of feedback on performance of AM Transmitter, FM Transmitter –Variable
reactance type and phase modulated FM Transmitter, frequency stability in FM Transmitter.
Radio Receiver – Receiver Types

Tuned radio frequency receiver, Super heterodyne receiver,
RF section and Characteristics – Frequency changing and tracking, Intermediate frequency,
AGC, FM Receiver, Comparison with AM Receiver, Amplitude limiting. Communication
Receivers, extensions of super heterodyne principle and additional circuits.


NOISE: Review of noise and noise sources, noise figure, Noise in Analog
communication Systems, Noise in DSB & SSB System, Noise in AM System, Noise in
Angle Modulation Systems, Threshold effect in Angle Modulation System, Pre-emphasis
& de-emphasis PULSE MODULATION: Types of Pulse modulation, PAM (Single
polarity, double polarity) PWM: Generation & demodulation of PWM, PPM, Generation
and demodulation of PPM, Time Division Multiplexing, TDM Vs FDM

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